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After a lot of hard work with EyeMotion, our website company, we’re pleased to be launching our brand-new website. Our goal has been to create a site that would assist you in...
Scleral lenses are lenses custom made lenses to help the most complex of fits, whether that is due to corneal disease such as keratoconus, scarring, significant astigmatism, or even dry eye. These lenses are highly specialized and can provide incredible results.
Hybrid contact lenses are one of the best-performing specialty contact lenses. They provide the vision of a rigid lens and the comfort of a soft lens. These lenses are excellent for patients who have had difficulty with contact lenses in the past but aren't ready for a fully custom scleral lens
As the name implies, these lenses are hard and gas permeable. If you’ve been told you cannot wear soft lenses, RGP lenses are often a great alternative. RGP lenses are available in specialized designs to correct just about any vision disorder.
Daily disposable soft lenses are much more popular than conventional soft lenses. These lenses are worn for the day and then, of course, thrown away. These are perfect for many patients who were told they could not wear contact lenses because of allergies or mild dry eye conditions. They are popular for athletes and hobbyists who do not necessarily want to wear contacts lenses every day.
These lenses are similar to daily disposable soft lenses except that they are worn for two-weeks or one-month periods and then replaced. These soft lenses have to be cleaned and stored at night.
Interested in a new look? Then tinted lenses might be a good fit! These soft lenses are available in conventional, disposable, or frequent replacement types. With tinted soft lenses, you can change or enhance your eye color. Even if you do not need corrective lenses, you can use “plano” colored contacts to change your eye color. It is important to be fitted by an eye doctor for colored contact lenses even if you do not need a prescription; wearing the wrong style can damage your eyeball.
Recent technology has greatly improved bifocal soft lenses. Many patients past their 40s who need bifocals can now enjoy the comfort and benefits of soft contact lenses. Ask your doctor to see if this would be a good fit for you.
There are a variety of solutions available from many different manufacturers. The important thing to remember is that not every solution is right for every type of contact lens. Some contact lenses require the use of multipurpose solutions, while others require separate solutions for the four steps in contact lens care: disinfecting, cleaning, rinsing, and enzyming. Use only the lens solutions that are recommended by the eye doctor. If you wish to change brands, check with our office first.
After a lot of hard work with EyeMotion, our website company, we’re pleased to be launching our brand-new website. Our goal has been to create a site that would assist you in...